outlook 98 message rules


Charlie Brookhart

I have three rules setup for filtering my e-mail into certain folders. One
of the rules worked in the past, but now it will not work no matter how many
different ways I try it. I receive mail from two different mailing lists.
The lists are Komando newsletter, and Scan DC. The komando rule works just
fine and the messages go to the correct folder. The way that rule works is
any message that has komando in the subject or body goes to the komando
folder. I made the same rule for Scan DC, but changed it so that any message
with Scan-DC in the subject or body will go to the scan dc folder. These
messages end up going to the deleted items folder. Outlook is taking my
third rule which is any message that does not have my e-mail address in it
goes to the deleted items folder and applying it to the scan dc messages. I
have even added the e-mail address that the scan dc messages are sent from
as a contact and then made a rule that any message with that address goes to
the scan dc folder. That didn't work. Can anyone help me figure out why the
rules are not working? If this helps, all rules end with a 'stop processing
more rules'

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