Sharanga Dayananda
An Outlook::_MailItem object in the Outlook object model supports a method
called put_DeferredDeliveryTime()
To set the value for this structure in C++ the put method requires a DATE
object. I don't seem to be able to figure out what this structure is.
<wtypes.h> seems to define this as a double.
I expected the actual value in the MAPI directory structure to be a
How can I set this value? If it is a double, how do I calculate what value
to set for a Gregorian date?
An Outlook::_MailItem object in the Outlook object model supports a method
called put_DeferredDeliveryTime()
To set the value for this structure in C++ the put method requires a DATE
object. I don't seem to be able to figure out what this structure is.
<wtypes.h> seems to define this as a double.
I expected the actual value in the MAPI directory structure to be a
How can I set this value? If it is a double, how do I calculate what value
to set for a Gregorian date?