Outlook AddIn - Outlook 2000 still in task manager on exit


René Meinecke

Hi there,

i created an Outlook - AddIn with Visual Basic .NET and the AddIn is
working, but if i exit
Outlook 2000 with loaded AddIN, Outlook 2000 is still running in task
in Outlook XP i did not get this problem, cause if i exit Outlook XP with
loaded AddIn
Outlook XP is closed (even in task manager).

here is some code from my AddIn:

Dim addInInstance As Object

Dim frmSearchWindow As frmSearch

Dim appOutlook As Outlook.Application

Dim mail As Outlook.MailItem

Dim WithEvents btnAntrago As Office.CommandBarButton

Private WithEvents expclOutlook As Outlook.Explorer

Public Sub OnBeginShutdown(ByRef custom As System.Array) Implements

btnAntrago = Nothing

expclOutlook = Nothing

appOutlook = Nothing

mail = Nothing

addInInstance = Nothing

End Sub

thx René

Matthias Guenther

i created an Outlook - AddIn with Visual Basic .NET and the AddIn is
working, but if i exit
Outlook 2000 with loaded AddIN, Outlook 2000 is still running in task
have had this problem some month ago, too.

Dim frmSearchWindow As frmSearch
Be sure to
Unload frmSearchWindow
set frmSearchWindow = Nothing
in Private Sub AddinInstance_Terminate()

Public Sub OnBeginShutdown(ByRef custom As System.Array) Implements

btnAntrago = Nothing

expclOutlook = Nothing

appOutlook = Nothing

mail = Nothing

addInInstance = Nothing

Pherhapse try this in Private Sub AddinInstance_Terminate() ,too.

Maybe another way is to put the Objects (appOutlook,...) on a form and
unload, set nothing this form in AddinInstance_Terminate (see some
lines above).


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