Outlook All Day Events on Wrong Days on Entourage (timezone bug?)




Exchange is running in Pacific timezone, Outlook and Entourage (version
11.3.2 French) is running in GMT+1 timezone.

When a all-day (full day) event is created in Outlook, it appears on
the wrong day in Entourage (one day before). On OWA it appears on the
right day. If the event is created in OWA, it appears correctly in
Entourage and Outlook.

So, it seems to be a display problem in Entourage.

Example 1: I set an event on Monday (full day) in Outlook. In Entourage
I can see it as following:
1. On one day view, I see it on Monday and on Sunday. It appears on
both places as a full day event.
2. On week view, it appers on Monday and on Sunday. It appears on both
places as a full day event.
3. On month view, it appears on Sunday only. It apprears as a full day
4. When opened in Entourage, the date field shows Sunday. No yellow
warning. Option => timezone not set (no check mark)

Example 2: I set an event on Thuesday (full day) in Outlook.
1. On one day view, I see it on Monday and on Thuesday. It appears on
both places as a full day event.
2. On week and month view, it appears on Monday.
3. When opened in Entourage, the date field shows Monday.

Any idea ? Thanks,


I made a workaround by myself. Here is an AppleScript that corrects all
these events:

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"

set ea to first Exchange account
set cals to calendars of ea
repeat with cal in cals

-- set cal to second calendar of ea
--display dialog "Traitement de " & name of cal

-- sync cal
set all to false
set evs to events of cal
repeat with eve in evs
set ev to eve
if (all day event of ev) and (time zone of ev = 0) and (not
recurring of ev) then
set t to start time of ev
set h to (t - (date "Jeudi, 1 janvier 1998 0:00:00")) mod days /
hours -- January 1, 1998
if h = 0 then
set msg to "(modifier le fuseau horaire uniquement)" -- modify
timezone only
set msg to "(reporter l'évènement au jour d'après)" -- move
to the next day
end if
if not all then
set res to display dialog "Est-ce que je corrige l'évènement: "
& subject of ev & " - " & start time of ev & " " & msg buttons {"Oui",
"No", "Annuler"} default button 1 with icon 2 -- do I correct the item
.... Yes, No, Cancel
if button returned of res = "Tous" then -- All
set all to true
end if
end if
if all or button returned of res = "Oui" then -- yes
set time zone of ev to 9
if not h = 0 then
set start time of ev to t + (24 - h) * hours
end if
end if
end if
end repeat

sync cal
end repeat
end tell

Sorry, the texts are in French but you have the translations in the

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