outlook append extension on Email address


Roy T

Hi all,

I am running Outlook XP on WinXP SP1, it connects to a POP
account(abc.net.au). It all work fine until i imported some contact from my
company address book with a .pst file. It imports everything
successfully(Show all the name with the correct email address), but now i got
a problem sending out emails to all the addresses in my contact. Outlook
appends @mailproxy1.abc.net.au to the address, so the address never reach
the recipient. (e.g if the address in contact is (e-mail address removed), then it will
become ([email protected])@mailproxy1.abc.net.au) However, you won't see it when
you send it. The reason why i found out is i sent an email to one address in
the contact and cc to my personal hotmail account(which is not in the
contact). the email account in the contact never receive the mail, but the
hotmail account did, when i open the mail. The "To" address show
([email protected])@mailproxy1.abc.net.au. The only way to avoid it is to delete
all the contact in my contact. But it is frustrating, because whenever i
send an email, i have to type in a complete email address which is time
consuming. I would like to fix it if it is possible.
Every idea and comment will be greatly appreciated!!


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