Outlook backup not functioning with Outlook 2003 on Vista 64 bit



I run the backup and everthing seems fine, but when I exit the backup does
not run. I get error window 'Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders Backup - and
Outlook has failed to successfully shut down, Please restart and then exit
Outlook again. You may also need to restart your compouter. I restart and
exit outlook again, with no success in getting the backup.

K. Orland

Is Outlook still running in the processes after you think you have exited
it? Open your task manager and check for outlook.exe. If it's running, then
it hasn't shut down.

If this is the case, there is likely something holding it open. The usual
culprits are synching to a handheld, FAX software, antivirus integration
with Outlook, etc.

You can test by opening Outlook in safe mode (start > run > outlook.exe
/safe). If you then close Outlook and are able to get a backup, then you
know that there is an Add In integrated in Outlook that is intefering.
Disable all your Add Ins, then add them back one at a time - testing
inbetween to find out which is the culprit.


Thanks. I will give that a try. Most of the day yesterday I was getting a
blue screen of death after ms update KB973879


I tried running in safe mode and Outlook still doesn't shut down. I have to
kill the outlook process to get it to end.

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