Outlook Bar vs Navigation Pane shortcuts



Appreciate it is someone can help me stop my shortcut groups from expanding
by default when I open Outlook 2003 ?

I loved the old Outlook Bar. Though the new Navigation Pane looks sexy,
contrary to the reviews I have read, I find it does little extra that wasn't
easily accomplished with my previous version of Outlook. More importantly,
it mimics the most useful attribute of the old Outlook Bar considerably less
effciently. I very much appreciated the ability to have numerous folder
shortcuts in different category groups so that I could easily file my
processed emails in a folder of my liking, whether it was a personally
created folder in a filing area of my own making (be it in a public or
personal folder) or a folder in a shared area filed according to someone
else's idea of logical filing.

The new "Shortcuts" button in the navigation pane is supposed to compensate
for this loss but unless I am missing something (the a fault in intuitiveness
of the installation and help packages) "Shortcuts" doesn't cut the mustard.
On the surface the shortcut "groups" should equate to the category groups of
the Outlook Bar of old ..... however they don't quite ..... three problems

1. Although when I grab an item and drag it over a shortcut group that group
does expand to show all the folder shortcuts within, thus exposing the folder
I want to drop the item into; when I grab my next item to drop in a folder in
a different shortcut group that group also expands without the first group
contracting again. In no time at all I have a long list of shortcuts that
need to be scrolled through, defeating the purpose of having my nice package
of visible shortcut groups (I preferred the word categories) in the first
place. In the previous Outlook Bar one category would close as another
opens, much as what happens for selecting different Navigation Bar buttons,
thus ensuring that my logical set of category headings was always visible.

2. Now that I have my Shortcuts groups all set up (15 groups containing
between 5 and 37 shortcuts) each time I open Outlook all the groups open
expanded even though I have previosuly closed Outlook with all but the main
group duly contracted.

3. My Outlook Bar category groups did not all transfer to the new Shortcut
groups as described in the documentation. Oddly, two of the possible 15
categories did become shortcut groups but with only a fraction of the
shortcuts listed in each one. I could see no pattern that made sense of why
these two made it across while the others did not.

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