Outlook: Calendar interface to MS Internet Free Busy service.



Using Outlook 2002 and MS's .NET passport to create meeting requests to people outside to our office. The Free Busy service allows others to see my availability over the internet. When I send a meeting request to any of those parties our MacAfee GroupShield AntiVirus says that it blocks the email from being sent out via our Exchange Server and its attachment (meeting.ics). Instead it forwards part of the message request on to the receipent (without the event) and informs them that the email they are getting and email that had and attachment with a virus and the attachemt has been removed. This has become a mess as those who think that they are getting a virus from me are becomming concerned. I want to turn off the MS Internet Free Busy service and have turned it off in the calendar portion of Outlook but I believe that there is another interface somewhere between my Outlook and the MS Internet Free Busy service on the internet. Does anyone have a clue where this is and how to turn it off?

Sue Mosher [MVP]

The free/busy service plays no part in the meeting request you send. I would be asking McAfee or the Exchange administrator why iCal messages are being messed up like that.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at http://www.slipstick.com
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