Outlook Calendar


Loren McGuire

I have modified an appointment form to put in a second page with
information. The second page has 2 buttons that access web pages. While
filling out the form, the user has the ability to click on the buttons and
they will open the appropriate web pages. The appointment then saves to
their personal outlook calendar and to a shared outlook calendar (required).
When the user opens the new appointment/meeting form from their calendar
entry or from the shared calendar entry, the buttons no longer access the
appropriate web sites. The button depresses, but there is no action from
the click_event action handler in the Visual Basic Script. Is there
specific syntax that changes when the form is saved to the calendars that
breaks this link? How would the syntax change to allow the buttons to work

This is the current code:

Function cmdHelp_Click()


End Function

****************** Then ******************************

Sub LaunchHelp()

Set objBrowser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

If objBrowser Is Nothing Then

str1 = "Internet Explorer is not available. Please use your" & vbCrLf

str2 = "default browser to access the following URL:" & vbCrLf

str3 = " http://helpdesk.ugs.com/"

MsgBox str1 & str2 & str3, vbExclamation, "Warning!"



objBrowser.Visible = True

End If

End Sub


Any ideas on this would be appreciated.


Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]

Do you have the Script Debugger installed or enabled? Try putting a Stop
statement (or a MsgBox call) in the cmdHelp_Click() event to verify that the
code is running at all. If it isn't, the form could be a one-off form. See
this link for more info:

Saving and Publishing Microsoft Outlook Custom Forms:

Loren McGuire

Actually, I believe the form has become a "one-off" but have been unable
to figure out how to cure this problem. I have also been unable to
figure out if this really is the problem. When a message box pop-up is
put in, after the save to the exchange server, the message box does not
work. In addition, I have put in code that will automatically pop up a
web page if the code is run at all. Once the form gets save to the
exchange server calendar, the code no longer runs.

As a side note, on thing I am seeing is that the code will also require
the "details" page to be displayed first. Once the form is saved to the
exchange calendar, the first page displayed is the appointment form.
This indicates that none of the code is actually running at all on the
server side.

How can I determine if the form has become a "one-off" and how can I
solve this problem... (I have eliminated the hidden values on the form,
but this doesn't seem to have solved the problem either).



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Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]

As the link I referred you to explains, one-off forms are typified by a
larger size, different icon, etc. One thing to try is to switch to a table
view of your Calendar, and drag the Message Class field (from the "All
Appointment Fields" list in the Field Chooser dialog) into the view. If you
have created a custom form based on the Appointment form, items created with
your custom form should be listed as "IPM.Appointment.MyCustomFormName" in
that field.

Remember - existing Appointments won't load your custom form unless they
were *created* with your custom form (see "How to make a Microsoft Outlook
custom form the default": http://www.outlookcode.com/d/newdefaultform.htm).

There may also be a problem with your forms cache that causes the default
Appointment form to load instead of your custom one - see this for more info:

How the Custom Forms Cache in Microsoft Outlook Works:

Also, don't forget to quote the original message when replying to keep the
context of our conversation intact - Developersdex doesn't automatically
quote the reply.


OK. I have determined the form is actually NOT a one-off.
It is an appointment form. When it saves to the local Calendar of the
person, it keeps the fact that it is an appointment form and the web access
button works. When it saves to the Exchange server, it turns into a Meeting
form. If you pull this form up off the exchange server, the web button does
not work.

Thanks for all the help.

Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]

When you assign people to a meeting request, the message that they receive is
a MeetingItem object, which you cannot actually create. I don't know if this
has anything to do with your problem, but I thought I'd point it out.

Can you verify that your custom Appointment form is published to the
Calendars where you are trying to create or open items created from this
form? When you open an Appointment item and your code doesn't work, is the
Message Class "IPM.Appointment" or something else?


Just thought I would reply, just in case someone else had this issue. When
saving the appointment to a shared calendar with more than one individual
invited, the "appointment form" becomes a meeting form. On the shared
calendar, that form can also be an "event", a "meeting", or something else,
depending on if the person selected the saving of the appointment to be for a
specific time that day, a recurring appointment, an all day "event" by
clicking on the check box for the all day event, or various other factors
involved with the saving of this "appointment". In addition, when the
"appointment" form is saved, such as a "meeting" form, the actual information
you can pull out of the form changes. As an example, you can pull
information like "item.Start" from an appointment form, but the "meeting"
form doesn't know anything about an "item.Start" property. My suggestion for
anyone writing code to pull this information out of a group calendar or to
store information in a group calendar is to design their own form from
scratch. At least if you do that, you will know what the form is, what it
will be saved as in all instances, and know that it will not change to
another form simply based on information put into the form for later
retrieval. The downside of this, of course, is that you have to design the
form from scratch.

May all who attempt this endeavor, or similar endeavors, realize that Bill
Gates is still a person who needs improvement.


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