Outlook cause network issues



Odd problem. Our company has near 100TB of data. Several
can have 100,000's of files. When clicking through our network with
an XPsp2 machine when don't really see any slowness until we get to
one the folders with thousands of files....the issues is with
scrolling down through those large directories. It pauses/hangs for
second or so, and then will scroll down a bit, and then pause/hang
again. Eventually, it will cache the directory and will scroll fine
without problem, but this is after a few minutes. Also, this is with
the details view in Windows Explorer.
We run both XP and 2000, and the 2000 machines with the exact same
software run without the slow scrolling. I figured it could be
something in our standard install image, so I did a clean install of
XP and didn't have the slow scrolling issue. I then started
installing our standard software one app at a time. Worked fine
Outlook 2003 got installed. I just installed it, no user got setup.
If I uninstalled it, the scrolling issue went away immediately. Any
ideas as why
would Outlook cause that?


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