Outlook Com Addin / Prompt on send



We're trying to find a reasonable solution to meet the following:

When a user sends an email, with an attachment, outside our domain, prompt
the user with the recipiants address and ensure they really want to send the

We've written a VB6 COM-ADDIN and it's not working they way we would like.
One of the struggles we've encountered is having Outlook, for obvious
reasons, notify the user that someone is trying to access their address book.

Using a third party component to assist has led to more problems, Outlook
simply disappears after sending a couple messages. High level, it receives
automation errors after being invoked a couple times.

Has anyone else had requirements similar to this? Maybe COM Add-ins, with
all the problems we're encountering aren't the best solution. And ideas what
would be?

Platforms very, but XP SP2 / Outlook 2002 is what we're developing/testing on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Redemption.dll is the item we tried using, since it avoids the Object Model
Guard; however, we've had a 80% success rate deploying using Redemption and
our Com Add-in. 20% failure rate won't won't work for us.

If I'm reading the article you sent correctly, "VBA Run a Script Rule" might
be a viable option? This is something we would deploy only within our
Company. Is VBAScript difficult to deploy with Outlook?

I appreciate any help. This is new territory for for us.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

All Outlook 2002 VBA code is subject to security prompts and has no supported deployment technique. I recommend that you try to resolve the issue with Redemption. Dozens of commercial application deploy Redemption as part of their setup.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators


Thanks, we've been working with redemption and they are at a loss as to why
Outlook keeps closing like it does.

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