Ian Lowe
I have had Outlook for Domino working on this machine for a while but now it
won't even start up. It does work on another machine that I have but I cannot
figure out what is wrong on this machine. I attach the log file and would
appreciate any suggestions.
<<## ## ##>>MSOCLog Header Size : 1298
Log Date: 9/12/2006 - 17:41:26
Microsoft Windows NT Version 5.1.2600
C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\MSMAPI\1033\MSOC32.DLL
OtoN Version: 2.0.4007.0
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE
Module Version: 11.0.8010.0
Auto Download Mode : Download Body
Slow Connection Mode
ont get Body On RAS
OtoN Languages :1033;
Office Languages :1033;1078;1043;1036;
Current MUILanguage:0
OutLMime.dll Version: 11.0.6555.0
Mso.dll Version: 11.0.8028.0
<<1340 12 17:41>> ======================================================
<<1340 12 17:41>> Log Date: 9/12/2006 - 17:41:26
<<1340 12 17:41>> C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\MSMAPI\1033\MSOC32.DLL
<<1340 12 17:41>> ======================================================
<<1340 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED
<<1340 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<1340 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<1340 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> OpenRegKey
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesSession
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CSpamFilter
<<1340 12 17:41>> CDownloadModes :: LoadAllDownloadRegKeys
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1310 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<1310 12 17:41>> InitNotesDLL
<<1310 12 17:41>> AddNotesPath
<<1310 12 17:41>> AddPathForthisProcess
<<1310 12 17:41>> AddPathForthisProcess
<<1310 12 17:41>> LoadNotesDLL
<<1310 12 17:41>> Error in LoadNotesDLL failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1310 12 17:41>> Error in Failed to load the notesDLL, InitNotesDLL failed
, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1310 12 17:41>> InitNotesDLL failed
<<1310 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<1340 12 17:41>> Message Box/Error dialog: : O
<<1340 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<1340 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<1340 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<1340 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Message Box/Error dialog: : T
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::Install
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::Install
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> XPProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CXPProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> CXPProvider::TransportLogon
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CXPProvider::TransportLogon: Failed to open the
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CXPProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CXPProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> MSProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> FLoadProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> FLoadProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CMSProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>>
<<1340 12 17:41>> CMSProvider::Release() called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CMSProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::Install
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::ValidateSession
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExtCommands::InstallCommands
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExtCommands::ResetToolbar
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonCF::CreateInstance
<<1340 12 17:41>> MSProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> FLoadProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CMSProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>>
<<1340 12 17:41>> CMSProvider::Release() called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CMSProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnConnection
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnAddInsUpdate
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnStartupComplete
<<1340 12 17:41>> isThisUpgradeScenario
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetRegInstalledWithOutlookVersion
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetCurrentProfileName
<<1340 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED
<<1340 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<1340 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<1340 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<14ec 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<14ec 12 17:41>> wait abandoned
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 626
<<14ec 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<1340 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<1340 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<1340 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<1340 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> MakeOtonPrimaryStore
<<1340 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED
<<1340 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<1340 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<1340 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<b90 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<b90 12 17:41>> wait abandoned
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 626
<<b90 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<1340 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<1340 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<1340 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<1340 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<d74 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<d74 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<d74 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<d74 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<d74 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<d74 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<d74 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<d74 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<d74 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<17f8 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<17f8 12 17:41>> wait abandoned
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 626
<<17f8 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<d74 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<d74 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<d74 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<d74 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<d74 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<d74 12 17:41>> XPProviderInit function called
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CXPProvider
<<d74 12 17:41>> CXPProvider::TransportLogon
<<d74 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CXPProvider::TransportLogon: Failed to open the
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> CXPProvider::Shutdown
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CXPProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CExplorerHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CInspectorHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddOtoNMenuItems
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> LoadStatusStrings
<<1340 12 17:41>> CStatusBarMgr::Start
<<1340 12 17:41>> CreateStatusBar
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetCurrentProfileName
<<1340 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED
<<1340 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<1340 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<1340 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<298 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<298 12 17:41>> wait abandoned
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 626
<<298 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<1340 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<1340 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<1340 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<1340 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetProfileRegistryPath
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> CStatusBar::Create
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> creating status bar
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::Install
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke called with dispid=0xF007
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddOtoNMenuItems
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<16d4 12 17:41>> MSProviderInit function called
<<16d4 12 17:41>> FLoadProvider
<<16d4 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CMSProvider
<<16d4 12 17:41>>
<<16d4 12 17:41>> CMSProvider::Release() called
<<16d4 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CMSProvider
<<8f8 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<8f8 12 17:41>> CStatusBar::GetPos
<<8f8 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<8f8 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<8f8 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExtCommands:
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke called with dispid=0xF006
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke called with dispid=0xF008
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke with event closed called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnBeginShutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnDisconnection
<<1340 12 17:41>> APIENTRY DllMain
<<1340 12 17:41>> OtonDllmain invoked
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReleaseDLLs
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReleaseNotesDLL called
I have had Outlook for Domino working on this machine for a while but now it
won't even start up. It does work on another machine that I have but I cannot
figure out what is wrong on this machine. I attach the log file and would
appreciate any suggestions.
<<## ## ##>>MSOCLog Header Size : 1298
Log Date: 9/12/2006 - 17:41:26
Microsoft Windows NT Version 5.1.2600
C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\MSMAPI\1033\MSOC32.DLL
OtoN Version: 2.0.4007.0
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE
Module Version: 11.0.8010.0
Auto Download Mode : Download Body
Slow Connection Mode
OtoN Languages :1033;
Office Languages :1033;1078;1043;1036;
Current MUILanguage:0
OutLMime.dll Version: 11.0.6555.0
Mso.dll Version: 11.0.8028.0
<<1340 12 17:41>> ======================================================
<<1340 12 17:41>> Log Date: 9/12/2006 - 17:41:26
<<1340 12 17:41>> C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\MSMAPI\1033\MSOC32.DLL
<<1340 12 17:41>> ======================================================
<<1340 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED
<<1340 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<1340 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<1340 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> OpenRegKey
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesSession
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CSpamFilter
<<1340 12 17:41>> CDownloadModes :: LoadAllDownloadRegKeys
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1310 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<1310 12 17:41>> InitNotesDLL
<<1310 12 17:41>> AddNotesPath
<<1310 12 17:41>> AddPathForthisProcess
<<1310 12 17:41>> AddPathForthisProcess
<<1310 12 17:41>> LoadNotesDLL
<<1310 12 17:41>> Error in LoadNotesDLL failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1310 12 17:41>> Error in Failed to load the notesDLL, InitNotesDLL failed
, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1310 12 17:41>> InitNotesDLL failed
<<1310 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<1340 12 17:41>> Message Box/Error dialog: : O
<<1340 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<1340 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<1340 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<1340 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Message Box/Error dialog: : T
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::Install
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::Install
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> XPProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CXPProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> CXPProvider::TransportLogon
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CXPProvider::TransportLogon: Failed to open the
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CXPProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CXPProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> MSProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> FLoadProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> FLoadProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CMSProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>>
<<1340 12 17:41>> CMSProvider::Release() called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CMSProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::Install
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::ValidateSession
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExtCommands::InstallCommands
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExtCommands::ResetToolbar
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonCF::CreateInstance
<<1340 12 17:41>> MSProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> FLoadProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CMSProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>>
<<1340 12 17:41>> CMSProvider::Release() called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CMSProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnConnection
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnAddInsUpdate
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnStartupComplete
<<1340 12 17:41>> isThisUpgradeScenario
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetRegInstalledWithOutlookVersion
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetCurrentProfileName
<<1340 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED
<<1340 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<1340 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<1340 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<14ec 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<14ec 12 17:41>> wait abandoned
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 626
<<14ec 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<1340 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<1340 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<1340 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<1340 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> MakeOtonPrimaryStore
<<1340 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED
<<1340 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<1340 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<1340 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<b90 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<b90 12 17:41>> wait abandoned
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 626
<<b90 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<1340 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<1340 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<1340 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<1340 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<d74 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<d74 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<d74 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<d74 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<d74 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<d74 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<d74 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<d74 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<d74 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<17f8 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<17f8 12 17:41>> wait abandoned
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 626
<<17f8 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<d74 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<d74 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<d74 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<d74 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<d74 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<d74 12 17:41>> XPProviderInit function called
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CXPProvider
<<d74 12 17:41>> CXPProvider::TransportLogon
<<d74 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> Error in CXPProvider::TransportLogon: Failed to open the
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<d74 12 17:41>> CXPProvider::Shutdown
<<d74 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CXPProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CExplorerHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CInspectorHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddOtoNMenuItems
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> LoadStatusStrings
<<1340 12 17:41>> CStatusBarMgr::Start
<<1340 12 17:41>> CreateStatusBar
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetCurrentProfileName
<<1340 12 17:41>> ABProviderInit function called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::QueryInterface failed, E_NOINTERFACE
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Logon
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenServiceProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in GetProfileProps, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABLogon::Logon: Failed to open the service
profile section, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED (0x8004011c)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CABProvider::Logon, MAPI_E_UNCONFIGURED
<<1340 12 17:41>> CGeneric::GetLastError
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CGeneric
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetServiceUID
<<1340 12 17:41>> ServiceEntry: Context for call: 3
<<1340 12 17:41>> WINAPI OpenProviderProfileSection
<<1340 12 17:41>> IsProfileUserSet
<<1340 12 17:41>> InitLogonProps
<<1340 12 17:41>> ProfilePropSet
<<298 12 17:41>> Sender thread started
<<298 12 17:41>> wait abandoned
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 626
<<298 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is exiting
<<1340 12 17:41>> SenderThread did not start
Assertion in File:
e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\replication\sendrecvthread.cpp, Line: 968
<<1340 12 17:41>> Sender Thread is not active
<<1340 12 17:41>> CheckToNotifyABHier
<<1340 12 17:41>> Unable to load the necessary dlls
Assertion in File: e:\office\dev\outnotes\msoc\util\util.cpp, Line: 5843
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in CreateSession failed , E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in InitLogonProps failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry: InitLogon props failed ; failed to
get profile section properties, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> Error in ServiceEntry failed, E_FAIL (0x80004005)
<<1340 12 17:41>> CABProvider::Shutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CABProvider
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetProfileRegistryPath
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> GetKeyValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> CStatusBar::Create
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> creating status bar
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CButtonHandler::SinkEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::AddRef Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExt::Install
<<1340 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CNotesExchExt
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke called with dispid=0xF007
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddOtoNMenuItems
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<1340 12 17:41>> AddMenuItem
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::CallMethod
<<16d4 12 17:41>> MSProviderInit function called
<<16d4 12 17:41>> FLoadProvider
<<16d4 12 17:41>> In Constructor of CMSProvider
<<16d4 12 17:41>>
<<16d4 12 17:41>> CMSProvider::Release() called
<<16d4 12 17:41>> In Destructor of CMSProvider
<<8f8 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<8f8 12 17:41>> CStatusBar::GetPos
<<8f8 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<8f8 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<8f8 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::GetProperty
<<1340 12 17:41>> CNotesExchExtCommands:
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke called with dispid=0xF006
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke called with dispid=0xF008
<<1340 12 17:41>> CActivateHandler::Invoke with event closed called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnBeginShutdown
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> SetKeyNameAndValue
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReadRegDword
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::Release Called
<<1340 12 17:41>> CHandler::FreeEvents
<<1340 12 17:41>> COtonAddin::OnDisconnection
<<1340 12 17:41>> APIENTRY DllMain
<<1340 12 17:41>> OtonDllmain invoked
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReleaseDLLs
<<1340 12 17:41>> ReleaseNotesDLL called