Outlook Connector & Hotmail Sent Messages


J.R. Lane

Ever since installing Outlook Connector a month ago*, all of my sent mail in
both Outlook and Hotmail are organized by "From" rather than "To"; i.e., I
lost the ability to see the recipient's name (To) in the sent folder view and
it only displays my name as the sender (From). I thought this only impacted
Outlook until I logged onto Live and saw the same was true of that Hotmail
sent folder. Every sent message after the Connector install date was
displayed as "From".
(* I was forced to install Connector -- Outlook would no longer function
without it.)

QUESTION: How can I get the sent mail to display the recipient (To) name
rather than sender (From) name? (It's useless to organize it by sender -- it
all came from me!!!)

J.R. Lane

Wow - that was easy. Thank so much! Now, a separate but related question:
Do you know how I can get sent mail to be saved in an Outlook sent folder as
well as Hotmail? (That changed with the installation of Connector, too.)

Roady [MVP]

You're welcome! :)

As for the second question; that is already being done. The Sent Items
folder of your local Hotmail cache is being synced back to the server so you
have both an offline and an on-line copy. If you want it to go to yet
another folder, then you can use a rule that makes a copy to a folder within
a pst-file;
Tools-> Rules and Alerts...


J.R. Lane

Thank you again! This time, I'm still stumped, tho. In Personal Folders,
nothing was added to Sent Items after the Connector install date. I was able
to "copy" Hotmail sent mail into Personal Folders/Sent Items today but it
created a subfolder Personal Folders/Sent Items/Sent Items. And I think if I
continue to make copies periodically that way it could become a real mess --
duplicating too much.

Before I tried that, the only place I see current sent mail (since the
Connector install) is a Sent Items folder under my Hotmail address (which is
same outline level as Personal Folders in the navigation pane). I tested and
I can see it when offline but I guess I'd prefer to also maintain the
Personal Folder/Sent Items, too. I looked at Tools>Alerts but I don't quite
understand how to create a rule to do that.

I really do appreciate your help. I've struggled with these two items for
weeks now and couldn't even figure out how to get MS email support. This is
my first attempt to use any discussion group to get answers and I'm very
grateful. :)

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