Outlook crash for some users after move mailboxes to new server on Exchange 2003 SP2



Hello All,

In weekend i moved ~1500 users mailboxes from old server with Exchange 2003 SP1 to new server with
fresh install of Exchange 2003 SP2. Some users works fine, but some have problems with Outlook
2003 - when they starts Outlook and try just walk from one folder to another : Outlook crashes and
restarts with errors in application event log :

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Microsoft Office 11
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Date: 2006.02.27
Time: 11:31:53
User: N/A
Faulting application outlook.exe, version 11.0.6353.0, stamp 408f2937, faulting module ntdll.dll,
version 5.1.2600.2180, stamp 411096b4, debug? 0, fault address 0x0000eddc.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

When i moved problematic mailbox back to old Exchange 2003 SP1, all problems with that mailbox gone.
Can soemeone provide some ideas or solution how to fix that problem so i can move all users to new
server with Exchange 2003 SP2 ?

Thanks for Your help.


I have you tried moving them back to the new server? Pick one or two
mailboxes, make sure the user closes Outlook down and then move the mailbox.
Post back the results.

One other thing, is the new server in the same admin group?



I moved 2 mailboxes back to old, and again to new server. One seems to be ok, but another still
crashing :(

Yes admin group the same for both servers.

Andy David - MVP

I moved 2 mailboxes back to old, and again to new server. One seems to be ok, but another still
crashing :(

Try creating a new Outlook profile with a different name the existing

Björn - Advisec

Did you find any solution for this? I have got the same problem after moving
mailboxes from a e2000 to a e2003SP2 server!


I came here looking because I moved 200 users from Exchange 2003 SP2 to
Exchange 2003 SP2 and about 20% of the users are having problems navigating
folders. Outlook 2003 SP2 Inbox comes up fine for everyone, but when going
to other folders the system crashes outlook. I've been working with Exchange
for some time and this is the first I've ever seen this.

Also, the new server was just built this weekend, has all updates on it
(Windows 2003 SP1, etc.) I've discovered that by moving the account to the
old server the user gets their stability back, but why? I initially moved
their mailbox over on Saturday, and when they logged in this morning - no
soap. I deleted and recreated their profile under a new name, checked their
mailbox rights, etc.

The main thing about this that really bothers me is that it took almost a
day to move 32GB of users and messages to a new mail server (on a GB
network - on a sunday with no one on.) I can't simply move them to the old
server and then move them back. This really bothers me - I spent so much
time planning, wasted my whole weekend, went the extra mile and end up
looking like a fool. No events in the event log that would signify a


Björn - Advisec

Restarting the server didn't help me. The system I'm working on doesn't have
any antivirus system installed at the moment so this can't be the problem!

If I move the mailbox back to the old server and then to the new server it
works (have tested a couple)!



Do they all have SP2 for Office? I know I've run into a lot of issues
with even exchange SP1 when outlook is still sp1.

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