Outlook delays while connected to the Internet


At a loss

Has anyone seen a problem with Outlook 2002 that will make
it hang for a few seconds while connected to the
I've checked out the Knowledge Base article concerning the
digital signatures but the user doesn't have this enabled
in Outlook.
I don't know everything about Outlook (or anything else
for that matter) so I might be missing something.

This user is the president of the company and installs
whatever he wants since he believes he's computer savvy. I
have to support this nightmare of a user and when he
doesn't get an answer in a short amount of time, my
expertise is in question. His line to me is usually "well
you're in IT, you should know all this stuff".
It gets worse when he installs software I've no knowledge
of and expects me to support it like I've been working
with it my whole life. <yes it's laughable>

If anyone has seen anything like this, could you please

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