Outlook does not receive all e-mails while Eudora does


Chris Apple

I have been using Outlook 2003 for several years on several computers for
POP3 access with several e-mail addresses. On all the computers I have the
options set to leave messages on the server.

Every couple of months, I fire up Eudora to get all the messages on the
server and then delete them since Outlooks "remove from server on delete"
does not seem to work. Today, I found several messages from Blockbuster and
one from my Ford dealer on Eudora that I didn't get in Outlook. I had been
getting the Blockbuster e-mails until 7/26/06 (except for 2 on 9/12/06). I
assumed that Blockbuster had stopped sending the e-mail notifications but
they hadn’t and Eudora gets them fine.

Any ideas why Outlook fails to retrieve all e-mails?

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