Patricia, ok sorry but I am going to bet that this will be the second to
last post I ask of you. I must be just missing something, could you take a
look at the code and help me where I am going wrong. The only error is get
is just the same script error box but the only text in it is line
other text. Thank you for all your help
Dim objComboBox
Dim objRST
Dim objCON
Dim strSQL
'Need to figure out how to build the connection to w2k-sql with a DSN-less
set objCON = CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
objCON.Open "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=
address=,1433 network=DBMSSOCN; database=RAHSCal; uid=rahscal;
set objRST = CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
strSQL = "select * from facilities;"
objRST.Open strSQL, objCON
'Events is the name of the page, cmbPlace is the name of the ComboBox I want
to populate
'Place is the name of the Field in the table of the DB I am accessing.
(line18)Set objComboBox =
While not objRST.EOF
objComboBox.AddItem objRST.Fields("Place")