Outlook email thread - analysing data



Would appreciate if anyone could provide some advises. I wonder if this is
also considered as a feature for upgraded Outlook 2007 perhaps?

Reading a whole lot of emails under the same subject title is time-consuming
and terribly frustrating. The time it takes for a simple question asked, is
being referred to people, or further questions are asked , and finally the
correct and wanted answer is returned few days later. And that is after at
least 5-8 pages of emails responses are generated. And most often the mail
recipient does not provide a clear answer such as ' yes it is correct but it
shall cost $<so much> '
anyway, are there any solutions to summarise an email discussions or track
the essential informations? (besides using a form, cos most of the time
questions are free-form and adhoc)

Also, are we able to track and capture the time lag for such emails from
first creation of the email question to finally resolving it?

I believe this would be similar to any helpdesk or support email question ..

- KN

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