Outlook Error - Won't Open



I am using Outlook 2000 with Windows XP Pro. Suddenly Outlook will not
open. When I try to open it, it starts to open, all of my inbox is visible,
and then an error message appears that it has "encountered a problem and
needs to close. I have tried everything I can think of. starting up in
safe mode does not help. I tried uninstalling Outlook and reinstalling it.
that did no good. I then tried uninstalling all of Office 2000 and
reinstalling. again no change. I tried restoring the system to an earlier
point a few days ago but got the message that the restore was unsuccessful
because no changes had been made. finally I switched users and logged on as
a different user. Voila, now Outlook opened with no problem but of course
my files were not visible. When I logged back on as myself same problem.
I'm wondering if some email I received is causing the error.

Does anybody have any ideas? If my email might be a problem where is it
stored? I had thought it was in a .pst file but doing a search shows NO
..pst file on my drive.

So now I can't acces my email or calendar. HELLLLLLLP! Thanks.

Kang Hadi

Perhaps the problem is in your registry. log in as different user, then go
to Run, call for Regedit. Select HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software ->
Microsoft -> Office -> Outlook.

Export this registry, ex. filename regoutlook.txt . log in as yourself, do
the same way. after you export the registry, import the save registry from
different user (regoutlook.txt).

Hope this can help.

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