Outlook Express 2K3 will not send to some contacts


Buzz Mason

I have been using Outlook Express 2K3 for some time now without issues, over
the last 3 months I have had an increased number of people saying that thye
have not recived emails from me and yet I have had no notification of any
errors. this only happens on this PC, my Laptop sends to the same people OK.
I recive emails OK on this PC... anyone got any ideas??? I have compared all
the settings between my laptop and this PC and they are all the same. I have
uninstalled Outlook Express 2K3 and re-installed and still the same problem.
I have disabled my Norton security and still the same problem... I have done
virus scans with nothing found. Now I'm REALLY stuck..... HEEEEEEELP....


I have been using Outlook Express 2K3 for some time now without issues,

umm I shouldn't think so - there's no such thing as outlook express 2003.
Are you using Outlook EXPRESS or Outlook? (go to Help-about to find out....)

Buzz Mason

Gordon said:
umm I shouldn't think so - there's no such thing as outlook express 2003.
Are you using Outlook EXPRESS or Outlook? (go to Help-about to find out....)

Gordon Burgess-Parker
Interim Systems and Management Accounting

HI Gordon....
OK Classify me as a 'Numb-Nut'... yes it is Outlook 2003... sorry for the


OK Classify me as a 'Numb-Nut'... yes it is Outlook 2003... sorry for the

Can you send a test email to yourself on the laptop?
Is it just people on one domain who say they don't get the emails, or is
it ALL recipients who say they don't get them?

Buzz Mason

Hi Gordon,
Thanks for getting back...
Its across multiple domains but not all recipients of those domains, some
get through OK but it is getting worse, if I send a test email to myself, I
recive it on my laptop OK

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