Outlook Express 6.0 - Sent Items Don't Go from Outbox to Sent Item



Hi Folks -
This just started happening, with no changes made on my part. When I go to
send an email, it goes to the Outbox when I hit "Send" as it should, but
never leaves the Outbox to move to the Sent Items folder after it's been
sent. Yes, I know it's going out, because some folks told me that got the
emai five times (I thought it wasn't going anywhere, so I kept reopening the
item in the Outbox and resending), and I tried sending it to another account
of mine, and sure enough, it is going out. Yes, the "Save Copy of sent
messages in the 'Sent Items" folder" is checked, as it always has been.
Again, this just started happening yesterday, with no configuration changes
made by me.


I'm having the same problem and this is not a helpful response. There is no
useful information on that other site either. Can someone please help?

F.H. Muffman

Actually, it's very helpful.

That url (http://snipurl.com/3ijui) points to the forum that discusses Outlook
This forum discusses Microsoft Outlook which, despite the name, is completely

While someone here *may* know the answer, the experts in OE are in that other
forum, which is why the original poster was directed to ask there.

Think of it this way:

There's a Jeep Wrangler. And there are Wrangler Jeans.

If you need to find out what type of oil you should put in your Jeep Wrangler,
you don't go to the store that sells Wrangler Jeans, you go to the Jeep dealer.
Sure, there might be someone at the jeans store who know what type of oil
to put in the jeep, the experts are at the store that sells the Jeeps.

This is the same situation. Outlook and Outlook Express are similarly named
but unrelated.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Unfortunately that site has the Outlook Express experts - it's a totally
different email client and the only similarity is that both do email and
share a word in their name.

Try disabling your virus scanner's email scanning feature.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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http://www.microsoft.com/office/community/en-us/default.mspx or point your
newsreader to msnews.microsoft.com.

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