Outlook Express 6: can't create a new folder



After making 11 or so new folders for the Inbox I don't seem able to
anymore. If I go to File, Folder, New - an hourglass appears for as long
as I've been wiiling to wait, as soon as I move the mouse the hourglass
dissappears and nothing else seems to have happened. If I right click on
Inbox and choose New Folder nothing at all happens.

Thanks for any help!

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Declan said:
After making 11 or so new folders for the Inbox I don't seem able to
anymore. If I go to File, Folder, New - an hourglass appears for as
long as I've been wiiling to wait, as soon as I move the mouse the
hourglass dissappears and nothing else seems to have happened. If I
right click on Inbox and choose New Folder nothing at all happens.

Thanks for any help!

Hi - unfortunately, you're in the wrong newsgroup. This is a group to
support Microsoft Outlook (part of Microsoft Office). Outlook Express is a
part of Internet Explorer and is an entirely different program, despite its
similar name..

You will probably get a faster and more expert answer if you post this to an
Outlook Express news group. Try

If this group isn't carried on the news server that's carrying this group,
try using news.microsoft.com as your NNTP server.

A good website for information on OE is http://www.insideoe.com/

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