Outlook Express 6 Newsgroups



I am unable to open newsgroups in my Oulook Express. I have gone to the help
collum and preformed the trouble shoot. My ISP is no help. They will only
say I am connected to their service. I have gone to Contol Pannel, Internet
Option and Program Tab, newsgroups is set at OE.

On the OE page when I pick Tools, Newsgroups then the "Newsgroups
Subscriptions" box opens Then on top of that a "downloading newsgroups" box
appears, and on top of that an Outlook Exprss box appears that says "unable
to connect to server".

I am certain that I am connected to my server. There has to be a button
that is not set right, but where? Very simple, but it is only simple when
you know how.


knotwood said:
I am unable to open newsgroups in my Oulook Express. I have gone to the
collum and preformed the trouble shoot. My ISP is no help. They will
say I am connected to their service. I have gone to Contol Pannel,
Option and Program Tab, newsgroups is set at OE.

On the OE page when I pick Tools, Newsgroups then the "Newsgroups
Subscriptions" box opens Then on top of that a "downloading newsgroups"
appears, and on top of that an Outlook Exprss box appears that says
to connect to server".

And when you go to Tools-Accounts-News, what appears in there?


I am not sure what that question means. My ISP is SBC Yahoo. If there is
some special server for Newsgroups then I don't know. Didn't know there was
one, or that I had to have one.


When I go to Tools, Accounts... (There is no Accounts-news) a box opens
called Internet Accounts. Mail tab is open with " POP. ameritech.yahoo.com"
listed as default.


Well, in order to read newsgroups in Outlook Express it is necessary to
configure a news server, just like you configure a mail server. Some ISPs
run news servers that "come with" your account, but most do not. I, for
example, subscribe to giganews for $8.00/mo.

The usual "free" alternative is to use web based newsgroup access. However,
there are some free news servers that will work with Outlook Express.

Here's one list of free servers...


Remember, you get what you pay for. Giginews is good. Sign up here -



I should add (didn't notice if it was included on the list URL I gave you)
that Microsoft provides free newsgroups but only for Microsoft stuff. The
server name is: msnews.microsoft.com.

You could sign up for that and check out how it works in Outlook Express.
This group, for instance - microsoft.public.outlook.general, is (obviously)
carried by the MS server. Which brings up another point... Outlook is not
Outlook Express (smile!) This is an Outlook group.



knotwood said:
When I go to Tools, Accounts... (There is no Accounts-news) a box opens
called Internet Accounts. Mail tab is open with " POP.
listed as default.

Then you need to set up a news account. In the same dialog box click on
Add-News, follow the instructions and use "msnews.microsoft.com" (without
the quotes) as the news server.


Gordon said:
Then you need to set up a news account. In the same dialog box click on
Add-News, follow the instructions and use "msnews.microsoft.com" (without
the quotes) as the news server.

Thanks for your reply. I am certain this is the exact area that the problem lays. However your instructions did not work. There were several things I learned from this exchange. My ISP server does in fact have newsgroups included in the service I buy. Also they are ready, willing but unable to resolve my problem. I think mostly due to poor training. This is compounded by the fact I do not hear well and they do not speak English well. But when I ask someone to repeat a simple question 3 or 4 times and I still do not understand fustration mounts on both side of the line. The question remains, How difficult SHOULD it be to connect to Newsgroups? I know how difficult it IS. One of these days I will screw up my guts again and call my ISP server. Maybe I will get someone with more training that speaks slower and I will make the connection. I want to thank you again for your time and trouble. It is appreciated. I now know where the problem is. All that remains is
to solve it.

Brian Tillman

knotwood said:
When I go to Tools, Accounts... (There is no Accounts-news) a box
opens called Internet Accounts. Mail tab is open with " POP.
ameritech.yahoo.com" listed as default.

Are you looking in Outlook? You should be looking on Outlook Express's
Tools>Accounts. Outlook can't access newsgroups.

Brian Tillman

knotwood said:
The question remains,
How difficult SHOULD it be to connect to Newsgroups? I know how

You should be able to access the Outlook Express newsgroup from this link:


Why not? the news server "msnews.microsoft.com" is completely independent of
any ISP, i.e. you can access it from ANY ISP.


Gordon said:
Why not? the news server "msnews.microsoft.com" is completely independent of
any ISP, i.e. you can access it from ANY ISP.

Walla! Presto! Bingo!!!!! I am on and wired up. Mucho Thanks. (I wonder were I fat finged it the first time.)

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