Lost W/Out Email
Please Help,
Due to computer lock up,after updating AVG (anti-virus program) I reloaded
Win98 and IE6.0. I can not get Outlook Express (error msg.#1- ...unable to
open the Outlook Express message store. Your computer may be out of
memory....(I have 4.0GB free)and #2- ...OE could not be started because
MSOE.DLL could not be initialized.... ) or Micorsoft Outlook (error msg. -
The file C:\windows\outlook.pst could not be found.) to work. I have no *.pst
files anywhere on my hard drive since reloading. Can someone please help?
Due to computer lock up,after updating AVG (anti-virus program) I reloaded
Win98 and IE6.0. I can not get Outlook Express (error msg.#1- ...unable to
open the Outlook Express message store. Your computer may be out of
memory....(I have 4.0GB free)and #2- ...OE could not be started because
MSOE.DLL could not be initialized.... ) or Micorsoft Outlook (error msg. -
The file C:\windows\outlook.pst could not be found.) to work. I have no *.pst
files anywhere on my hard drive since reloading. Can someone please help?