Outlook Express not be deleted when downloading Service Pak 2



When I downloaded new Service Pak2 Outlook Express 6.0 was completely
deleted, including all files and email lists. To retrieve this information
(at least most of it) I had to delete Service Pak 2.


That doesnt sound right, I'v yet to see an MS sp that uninstalls a sys app.
as opposed to updating it.


This is what happened! I tried to contact tech support at Microsoft by
telephone and online chat room...and did not receive useful information. From
the response of the technicians it appeared that others were having similar
problems..but they had no answer. Twenty-seven hours later, a technician at
my cable provider suggested that it be deleted. I did that, and rolled back
Outlook Express 6.0 to an earlier date when it was operational. I lost some
of my files and email addresses..but the bulk of the material was restored.

I am now afraid to dowload any new Microsoft products.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

A simple reinstallation should have fixed Outlook Express - try this site
for more information>


Outlook Express is not a part of Office.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, nyorker <[email protected]>
asked this group:

| This is what happened! I tried to contact tech support at Microsoft by
| telephone and online chat room...and did not receive useful
| information. From the response of the technicians it appeared that
| others were having similar problems..but they had no answer.
| Twenty-seven hours later, a technician at my cable provider suggested
| that it be deleted. I did that, and rolled back Outlook Express 6.0
| to an earlier date when it was operational. I lost some of my files
| and email addresses..but the bulk of the material was restored.
| I am now afraid to dowload any new Microsoft products.
| "DL" wrote:
|| That doesnt sound right, I'v yet to see an MS sp that uninstalls a
|| sys app. as opposed to updating it.
|| ||| When I downloaded new Service Pak2 Outlook Express 6.0 was
||| completely deleted, including all files and email lists. To
||| retrieve this information (at least most of it) I had to delete
||| Service Pak 2.

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