outlook express question - email deletion


Gil Scott Egret

Windows XP user; MS Office 2003

A question regarding outlook express:

About a week ago I noticed that about one months worth of emails had been
deleted from the "deleted items" folder in outlook express. I did not delete
them manually and no one else has access to the machine. They just seem to
have vanished. No big deal, but a tad odd. Several days after that I found
that I was unsubscribed from a number of newsgroups that I read regularly.
Again, no big deal. Then yesterday, I found that an OE local folder that I
had created called "save" in which I stored important or unanswered email
had disappeared, along with the important and or unanswered email. Bigger

Interweb research indicated that this had happened to other McAfee users. I
spoke to Mcafee, however, which claimed that the problem had been corrected
in their 7.0 release; I use M 10.0.

I then called the computer manufacturer (MS's site says that they're the
software help entity because the SF was preinstalled.) The help guy there,
who was no help at all, said that what I said happened was impossible, and
that the only thing that could have happened is that someone either broke
into my apartment and deleted the emails manually or hacked into my PC and
deleted the emails remotely. Which is absurd for a number of reasons, not
the least of which is: why would anyone hack into my computer to permanently
delete chinese porn spam that i had already deleted. Doesn't make sense.

This AM I located a pst file called "save" in the microsoft folder on my
hard drive, but when I opened it all that was there was a long line of
boxes, of the sort that word or word perfect displays when it can't read
characters. The other pst files open and display properly.

Although I'm pretty much resigned to the deletion of these emails and
whatnot, I'd like to prevent it from happening again. So I'm wondering:

- has anyone ever heard of this happening?

- what are the odds that it's just a random memory glitch (or something)?

- if its not an act of god, is there a fix?

The only thing that I did to the PC recently was defrag the HD. Although I
don't see how that could have affected anything, I figured I mention it.

Any information / advice appreciated. TIA.


Windows XP user; MS Office 2003

A question regarding outlook express:

About a week ago I noticed that about one months worth of emails had been
deleted from the "deleted items" folder in outlook express.

Umm you KEEP emails in the DELETED ITEMS folder? if you want to KEEP
emails, don't KEEP them in DELETED items! look up the meaning of "deleted"
in a dictionary!


Gordon said:
Umm you KEEP emails in the DELETED ITEMS folder? if you want to KEEP
emails, don't KEEP them in DELETED items! look up the meaning of "deleted"
in a dictionary!

Learn to read for comprehension you fucking imbecile.


Learn to read for comprehension you fucking imbecile.

I think I can read AND comprehend a bit better than you you complete utter
You obviously keep all YOUR emails in the "deleted items" folder, along
with your brain, what little there is of it.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

This newsgroup is for support of Outlook 97, 98, 2000, 2002 & 2003 from the
family for PCs. For Outlook Express (OE) support try posting in one of
these newsgroups:
microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4.outlookexpress for OE 4.x
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie5.outlookexpress for OE 5.x
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie55.outlookexpress for OE 5.5x
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress for OE 6.x
microsoft.public.internet.mail.mac for the Macintosh version of OE

If those groups aren't carried on the news server that's carrying this group
try using msnews.microsoft.com (MS's public news server that's the source
for all the microsoft.public newsgroups).

Also a good source of Outlook Express info can be found here:


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft Outlook FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/outlook.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

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