Outlook fails to save server password on POP3 account



XP Home Edition
Outlook 2002

I updated a laptop to utilize Outlook for email and get
away from the msn/aol methods.

Was able to successfully set up the POP3 account as
default for the company's domain name going through their
chosen ISP. Downloaded all the stacked up email as well.

I had checked the "Save Password" box when setting up the
email account in Outlook, but when I closed Outlook and
came back in, Outlook requested "Enter Network Password"
for the ISP mail server login. Here, I input the
password again and checked the box to save the password
to the "password list" and was able to get in to the ISP
account to download more mail. However, when closing and
reopening Outlook, the password info was never saved - by
either method. Other than the inconvenience of inputting
the password each time, Outlook works fine.

I removed and rebuilt the email account with the same

Any suggestions or experience with this type problem???

Thanks in advance!

(e-mail address removed)

DZ Sokol

Interstingly enough, I have a similar problem connecting
to my Yahoo small business POP3 account. I am running
Outlook 2002 SR-1 with Win XP Pro SR-1.



I have the identical problem using Outlook 2000. Oddly,
I'm running the same software (Outlook 2000 and XP) on
another computer, using the same ISP and have no problems
at all with that one.


I have a client with this problem on 2 XP home machines.
There is a knowledge base article addressing the problem
which offered a couple of POSSIBLE fixes but neither one
worked for me.

In essence, the KB said you are SOL and be glad you can
still get your e-mail. Just add the password every time!

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

There have been several recent issues with passwords not being retained with
Outlook. If you're running Outlook 2002, the SP1 solves many of these, so
start there. If not, here are some other solutions:

For Outlook 2000 or 2002 on Win 98, NT, or 2000:

For Outlook 2000 on Windows 2000:
(CW) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;275465
(IMO) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;259416

For all Outlook versions on Windows XP (note, this article is written for OE
but the solution applies to Outlook as well. Just ignore the parts that
refer to OE):

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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