Outlook Favorites Won't Save, Messages wrong on Outlook Today


Jane West

Re-posting a message from a couple of weeks ago, hoping for better
luck this time. I have Outlook 2003 running on XP Pro.

Original message, with some additional info in brackets:

A few days ago, I lost all my favorites. Also, the Messages section on
Outlook Today no longer shows the number of unread messages, and if I
click on a folder under Messages, nothing happens.

For the Favorites, once I add them back in, it works fine until I
reboot, and then they are gone again. I do close and re-open Outlook
after adding my folders, so it should be saved properly, and it appears
to be working when I re-open. But the next time I reboot, they're gone
again. [Actually, this seems to be working okay now as long as I don't
try to include Outlook Today as a favorite; if I do include it, it
loses that and pretty much all the rest of my customized stuff.]

If I go to Customize Outlook Today and look at the section for choosing
the folders that go under Messages, the only thing that is checked is
Outlook Today itself, not any of my folders. And yet the folders are
displaying under the Messages section, though without the message
numbers. Really bizarre things happen if I uncheck Outlook Today and
try to re-add my message folders, such as winding up with two or three
folders called Outlook Today listed under Messages.

This began shortly after I did the last Windows update [mid-June],
which is the only thing I can think of this might have caused this. I
have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Outlook, but apparently
something still hangs around in the registry even if I uninstall and
re-boot because it still looks for my existing pst file instead of
creating a new one. [I've tried cleaning stuff out of the registry
manually, but of course you can never get it all that way.] I don't
know what else to try.

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