Outlook Folder - FolderRemove Event


Atul Sureka


I am using the following code to track FolderRemove event of task Folder and its SubFolders.

using System;

using System.Collections;

using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;

class Temp


public static void Main()


MyClass obj = new MyClass();

Console.WriteLine("Listening ...............");




class MyClass


Outlook.Application app;

Outlook.NameSpace nSpace;

// Stores the "Task" Folder

private Outlook.MAPIFolder mapiFolder;

// ArrayList to store the subFolders

private ArrayList subFolderList;

public MyClass()




app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application();

nSpace = app.GetNamespace("MAPI");

mapiFolder = nSpace.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderTasks);

subFolderList = new ArrayList();


itemsList = new ArrayList();


catch (Exception Ex)





// Recursive function to attach events with folders and its subfolders

void GetSubFolderList(Outlook.MAPIFolder folder)


Outlook.Folders fol = folder.Folders;


// Attach event handlers

fol.FolderRemove += new Outlook.FoldersEvents_FolderRemoveEventHandler(fol_FolderRemove);

fol.FolderChange += new Outlook.FoldersEvents_FolderChangeEventHandler(fol_FolderChange);

foreach (Outlook.MAPIFolder f in folder.Folders)


// Recursivly call for the subfolders




void fol_FolderChange(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Folder)


Console.WriteLine("Folder has been changed....");


void fol_FolderRemove()


Console.WriteLine("Folder has been removed....");



Lets My Outlook has four folders with following hierarchy.

Task // Main Task Folder of Outlook

F1 // SubFolder of Task Folder

F2 // SubFolder of Task Folder

F3 // SubFolder of F1

When I delete F1 "FolderRemove" Event is getting fired.

However when I delete F3 "FolderChange" Event is getting fired

Why this is happening ?????


Atul Sureka

Dmitry Streblechenko

FolderChange fires on the Tasks folder because the subfolder (F1) is
modified - one of its own subfodlers is deleted (F3).

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool


I am using the following code to track FolderRemove event of task Folder and
its SubFolders.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
class Temp
public static void Main()
MyClass obj = new MyClass();
Console.WriteLine("Listening ...............");
class MyClass
Outlook.Application app;
Outlook.NameSpace nSpace;
// Stores the "Task" Folder
private Outlook.MAPIFolder mapiFolder;
// ArrayList to store the subFolders
private ArrayList subFolderList;
public MyClass()
app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application();
nSpace = app.GetNamespace("MAPI");
mapiFolder =
subFolderList = new ArrayList();
itemsList = new ArrayList();
catch (Exception Ex)
// Recursive function to attach events with folders and its subfolders
void GetSubFolderList(Outlook.MAPIFolder folder)
Outlook.Folders fol = folder.Folders;
// Attach event handlers
fol.FolderRemove += new
fol.FolderChange += new
foreach (Outlook.MAPIFolder f in folder.Folders)
// Recursivly call for the subfolders
void fol_FolderChange(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder Folder)
Console.WriteLine("Folder has been changed....");
void fol_FolderRemove()
Console.WriteLine("Folder has been removed....");
Lets My Outlook has four folders with following hierarchy.
Task // Main Task Folder of Outlook
F1 // SubFolder of Task Folder
F2 // SubFolder of Task Folder
F3 // SubFolder of F1
When I delete F1 "FolderRemove" Event is getting fired.
However when I delete F3 "FolderChange" Event is getting fired
Why this is happening ?????

Atul Sureka

Atul Sureka

When I delete F3 - it means that I have modified F1, so FolderChange event
of F1 is getting fire - that is fine - But I have also attached handler for
FolderRemove event of F3, So If I delete F3 then FolderRemove event for this
folder should also fire. unfortunately this is not firing :( ??????

Atul Sureka

Dmitry Streblechenko

No, FoldderRemove is supposed to fire on the parent folder's
MAPIFolder.Folders collection.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

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