Outlook Form: field set with "inital value" doesn't save on update



Hi, I designed an Outlook 2002 Contact Form, adding the field "Salutation".
I set the property to create an 'initial value' with the formula of:
IIF([Spouse]="",[Full Name],
IIF([Title]="Mr.", "Mr. & Mrs " & [Full Name], "Mr. & Mrs. " & [Spouse] &
" " & [Last Name]))

WHen published, the form and field work on initial creation. (EX: Title=
Mr.; First Name= James; Last Name = Jones; Spouse=null. Result is "Mr. James
Jones" (the equivalent of [Full Name].

However, if I go back an edit, changing Spouse to "Jane", on the screen it
will update, showing Salutation as "Mr. and Mrs. James Jones" which is good,
but upon save, when I reopen the contact, it still readts "Mr. James Jones".

In other words it seems that the update is not being saved.

Anyone who can help me out there?

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