Outlook form problem




I've created an outlook custom form based on NOTE. I've changed all the
pages and added the following code

Function Item_Open()
Set objFormTab = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Work Details")
Set objCombo = objFormTab.Controls("ComboBox1")

objcombo.additem "Name1"
objcombo.additem "Name2"
objcombo.additem "Name3"
objcombo.additem "Name4"
objcombo.additem "Name5"
objcombo.additem "Name6"

Set objDate = objFormTab.Controls("txtWorkCarriedOutDate")
objDate.text = left(now,len(now)-9)
Set objDate = objFormTab.Controls("txtFollowUpDate")
objDate.text = left(now,len(now)-9)

End Function

Sure enough as I create a new post entry the form comes up and the list is
populated, the date stuff all works as well and I can save it. However, when
I try to read the contents of the posted note by double clicking on it I get
the following error in a dialog box titles "script error": Could not find the
specified Object Line no.4"

Why does this work when the form is created but not when it is read ??

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