Outlook Freeze-up which Requires Account Reset



Out the firm we are experiencing an on going problem with
microsoft outlook freezing up.

Basically, what occurs is that outlook will randomly reez-
up on users upon launching. The solution is to right
click on the desktop outlook icon and reset the user
Its an odd solution, however I am looking for a permanente
solution to stop this from occuring.

Any ideas on why this happens and how to solve it once and
for all?


what version of Outlook are you using and are they using Word as
e-maileditor? If they are do they still use Word as e-maileditor once you've
recreated their mailprofile?


just a quick reply (I should be packing now!)

how do you configure the mailprofile? are you using a *.prf file to automate

have you run a traceroute to the Exchange server? Any slow pings around
(this could be indicating bad cables or switches/routers)? You could even
use pathping to determine even better whether or not it's in the network's
router configuration/hardware. Have you ever used pathping before? I've
found you some documentation;

Alright gotta go now. Till after my holiday! ;-)

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