Outlook Freezes when I unlock my computer after being away for 5-3



Ok Guys, lets see if anyone else has had this and can help me.

I have been wrestling with this problem for months. I have many users who
come back from a meeting, or lunch and when they unlock their computer,
outlook crashes, it stops responding and goes completely blank. The users
have to restart the computer or kill the outlook processes and restart

Here is the enviroment.
MS Outlook 2007 (office suite 2007 small business)
MS Exchange 2003
MS Windows XP Pro
1gbit network

The problem does not happen every time, it does happen at random.

I have replaced the computers

I have reloaded the computers

I have turned off all non-essential (IE everything that doesn't have to do
with exchange) add-in's

These are heavy email users with large exchange data stores.

I have tried in cached and uncached mode.

Users are locally connected to the server.

Roady [MVP]

First the subject; 5-3 hours?

What is logged to the Event Viewer regarding this on both the client
computer and the Exchange server?


I'm sorry that should read 5-30 minutes. Usually anything more than 10
minutes will cause this to happen.

We do get this error all the time on the exchange server.
Mapi session "/O=LSG/OU=LSG/cn=Recipients/cn=mstrang" exceeded the maximum
of 500 objects of type "objtFolderView".
But my understanding is that this does not have anything to do with the
freezing problems.

However the only users complaining of the freezing problem are our Outlook
2007 users. These are also the only users that are getting the Mapi Session
errors. For which I have been able to find absolutely 0 fixes for.

Roady [MVP]

Well actually that is a helpful error. Apparently there is something running
on the client computer that runs in idle time, accesses the objects on the
Exchange server and either request too many at once or doesn't correctly
close it.

Virus scanners, indexing software and sync software are the main suspects in
this case. Especially having multiple indexing software suites installed
(like both Google Desktop as Windows Desktop Search) could cause this.

Disable these addins and see if it works correctly now. Then enable them one
by one to find the culprit.

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