Outlook freezes



One of our IT people is upgrading all our pc's from 2003 to Office 2007.
Dell Computer with Windows XP SP 2. There is a problem on one pc with Qutlook
freezing. I searched the posts here and he read through the following links
to no avail (http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/2007_profile.htm) and

All other apps are OK. His reply to any error message --
Nope, just freezes on launch. Even with the /safe switch and even after
"Detect and Repair". Tried uninstalling 2007 and 2003 and reinstalling 2007,

Is there a suggestion or another link I could send him?

Roady [MVP]

Does it happen when he logs on to that machine as a different user? Create a
test user without any Windows Roaming Profile settings configured to do a
proper clean test.


Thanks for the taking time to read/reply to my post. They were able to fix
the problem.

This morning I recd a message that:
Spent a few hours last night going over the issues with Outlook here and
thanks to another post pointing me in the right direction, was able to
resolve all of the issues.

In this case, the /resetnavpane switch was eventually successful in
resolving the “hang†on startup for Outlook.

Steve B.

I'm the guy 'dp' is referring to... Thanks to 'dp's' help we were able to
resolve this issue.
Logging in as a new user allows Outlook to work fine, so I went through the
process of creating a new mail profile for the user to no avail. Event
Viewer>Application was showing that Outlook.exe was experiencing a 'hang'.

What was eventually successful was using the /resetnavpane switch. This
brought up the folder list (futher than the previous hang) and froze again,
but it eventually righted itself (patience is a virtue...). After that, the
switch was no longer necessary and Outlook behaves the way it should.

Thanks for the input.


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