Outlook Hangs during operations


Janaka Sampath

Hi all

From today morning there is a problem with outlook 2000 users. When they
forwared or Reply for a massege it tends to hang and when close outlook and
loging off from the machine it displays a ending task massege title with WMS
IDLE. Outlook 2003 users doesn't seems to have any problem. Is this a
Exchange 2000 server issue or client version issue. please give me a

Thank You


K. Orland

If you've installed the connector for Lotus Notes, please read this article
(though it specifically states Exchange 5.5 and 2003, you may find it


If this is not the issue, are those Outlook 2000 problems related to Outlook
PST's? If those users have email stored in a PST and it reaches the 2 GB mark
(or even lower), this could cause the issue you describe.

Another issue could be if the users have Google desktop search installed. It
doesn't always play nice with Outlook.

Janaka Sampath

No sir

I don't have lotus notes connector or users mailboxes doesn't reach this
limit. is there any cause that gives me this problem. please advise me as
this is urgent.

Thank you

K. Orland

Are there any Outlook or Office-related errors in the Application Event
Viewer? If there are, please post the event ID number and source. Thanks.

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