This is the Microsoft Office Online Discussion "SITE" on the internet ...
No. This is an NNTP service, not an HTTP service; despite that you are using
an HTTP client, connecting to a Microsoft "Web to news" kludge thingy. For
the majority of us using a proper NNTP client, this is a newsgroup.
Just because you see a "web thingy", doesn't mean it is actually a "web
... and a "Fix" is software you download from the Microsoft download "SITE" that
hopefully corrects a problem .
Even allowing for your mistaken impression that the Microsoft newsgroups are
a site, the Microsoft download site is not the Micorosoft Communities site.
The "office" in '' is distinct from the 'www' in
''; [] != [], or [].
Try using this URL, and see what happens (hint: it will not open in your
browser, unless you changed some configuration to point to a browser with an
integrated newsreader, such as Opera 10):
Now, I assume you downloaded the application from the following site:
If so, all that I can suggest is that you check your configuration.