In VBA (Office 2003), I am trying to create a new email and set the bod
text to a saved HTML document but my graphic is not being displayed.
have used the following combinations of code (each try is commente
out) but without success. If I use .mht and open the email in th
Outbox the graphic appears but when I save and reopen it, it appears a
a placeholder only, not the graphic.
I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks, Graham.
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim ts As TextStream
Dim strText As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set ts = fs
penTextFile("g:\Medics Away\Mailin
Documents\RepplyF.htm", ForReading)
Set ts = fs
penTextFile("g:\Medics Away\Mailin
Documents\Repply.htm", ForReading)
'Set ts = fs
penTextFile("g:\Medics Away\Mailin
Documents\Repply.mht", ForReading)
'Set ts = fs
penTextFile("g:\Medics Away\Mailin
Documents\Repply.mht.doc", ForReading)
'Set ts = fs
penTextFile("g:\Medics Away\Mailin
Documents\Repply.htm.doc", ForReading)
strText = ts.ReadAll
mai1.HTMLBody = strTex
text to a saved HTML document but my graphic is not being displayed.
have used the following combinations of code (each try is commente
out) but without success. If I use .mht and open the email in th
Outbox the graphic appears but when I save and reopen it, it appears a
a placeholder only, not the graphic.
I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks, Graham.
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim ts As TextStream
Dim strText As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set ts = fs
Documents\RepplyF.htm", ForReading)
Set ts = fs
Documents\Repply.htm", ForReading)
'Set ts = fs
Documents\Repply.mht", ForReading)
'Set ts = fs
Documents\Repply.mht.doc", ForReading)
'Set ts = fs
Documents\Repply.htm.doc", ForReading)
strText = ts.ReadAll
mai1.HTMLBody = strTex