Raindance wrote on 03/22/2010 22:08 ET
I doubt the problem is caused by having a maximized window because usuall eve
a maximized window will go behind another if you pull the other window up o
top of it. I am having the same problem and it doesn't matter if it i
maximized or not. Also, the taskbar is not being covered up by Outlook, it i
just other windows that are opening behind it, so that doesn't fix it either
It sounds like the previous replier might have been picturing it going int
full screen mode or something instead
I finally found the following thread that helped me. I'm not exactly sure wha
caused mine to start staying on top (I just installed Google Drive, so mayb
that changed something because I read a lot about it being caused by add-on i
other threads), but this was super easy and quick, and it fixed my proble
(This link might be helpful too for those who aren't sure how to run th
command that the above link recommends
I also saw on other sites some people say that it works to just right-clic th
taskbar and toggle the "Lock the Taskbar" setting on and off. Thi
didn't work for me though