That sounds like a bad problem. I can't tell you why your
messages are being deleted, but I can tell you this:
1. When you install the latest update to Internet
Explorer (www.windowsupdate.com), you will automatically
get the most recent updates and files for Outlook Express.
2. Three calls to Earthlink tech support will result in
three different answers... so you might try calling
Earthlink again and see if you get someone else who has
another suggestion.
3. Re: messages in deleted folder -- Maybe you have a
setting designated to delete messages that are sent by
certain people? Or maybe something in Outlook is thinking
that the messages you found in your deleted folder where
actually junk mail? Maybe try checking those settings.
messages are being deleted, but I can tell you this:
1. When you install the latest update to Internet
Explorer (www.windowsupdate.com), you will automatically
get the most recent updates and files for Outlook Express.
2. Three calls to Earthlink tech support will result in
three different answers... so you might try calling
Earthlink again and see if you get someone else who has
another suggestion.
3. Re: messages in deleted folder -- Maybe you have a
setting designated to delete messages that are sent by
certain people? Or maybe something in Outlook is thinking
that the messages you found in your deleted folder where
actually junk mail? Maybe try checking those settings.