Outlook Journal Entries Duplicated



I'm translating e-mails manually from Inbox to Journal.These e-mails
are from last week and I've already created their associated contacts.
I've also activated the automatic entries into Journal from now on.
But I'm surprised because some entries are duplicating themselves in
Journal without my intervention. I'm working with Exchange Server, but
Contacts don't belong to it.
I''ve also noticed that today incoming messages from my contacts
haven't been registrated in Journal, but outcoming messages I've sent
Can anybody help me and explain what's wrong please?

Thanx in advance


I've more details of my problem. I use Outlook 2003 as a clent for
Exchange Server and the facts are:
* I double click the entry from the journal
* A new window opens with the link to the e-mail message
* I double click in this link in order to open the e-mail
* I click in Mail in the Navigation Pane
* I click again in Journal in the Navigation Pane and the entry is
I can repeat this procedure up to 6 times and the entry will repeat
itself in journal 6 times.

Another question:
Why some contacts keep their incoming messages tracked automatically in
Journal and others don't?
I've checked everything (Journal Options, e-mail addressess...) and
it's OK. The curious thing is that for those that Journal doesn't track
automatically their incoming messages, it tracks automatically the ones
that I send to them!
Any help for these problems would be very appreciated


Jay Remington

I have been struggling with the same problem for two years. All of my
contacts are checked in Outlook, Tools, Options, Journal Options. However,
several of my contacts don't record their incoming email in the Journal.

One reason they might be showing up twice in the Journal, is if you change
their status from "Read" to Un-Read. Every time an email is viewed, when it
is unread, it records it in the Journal (if the Journal is working correctly
for that Contact).

As far as recording the "Sent" entries, if you are bringing up the contact,
and clicking the Send Email button in the toolbar, that will cause it to get
recorded in the Journal, even if the Journal isn't working properly for that
Journal. However, if you do a reply, be aware that it will probably not get

If anyone knows why some contacts' emails will not be automatically in the
Journal, while most are, please reply. This is a big problem for me.

Microsoft, if you're watching, you should look into this, because it seems
like a bug.

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