Outlook LAG!!



What is this new lag in Outlook? It just stops for about 3 to 7 seconds. Then
it catches up with itself, but it is very annoying. It started when I
installed 2007 beta. I love everythign about it so far, except this.....

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

You are using beta software. It has not been tuned for optimal performance yet.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Patrick Schmid

Welcome to beta testing :)
The Outlook beta has at this stage still many performance issues and the
lag is one of them. I wouldn't be surprised btw if Outlook is during the
time busy on your harddrive. Do you have a or multiple big PST files?

Patrick Schmid


Well let me say for all that are reading it IS WELL WORTH IT!

I have a large PST file. Outlook user for 7 years now. :)

New product looks and reacts great.


Patrick Schmid

How large is it?
When you right-click Personal Folders, Properties, Advanced, what does
it list as Format there?

Patrick Schmid


Not sure what you mean by format. But the file is 781MB.

Archive and Index Service are not checked.

Compress and Encrypt are not checked

Is that what you were asking about?


Patrick Schmid

I meant within Outlook, sorry. My steps were for clicking on Personal
Folders in the Outlook Folder list.



Archive Folders - archive.pst in C:\Doc & Set\UserName........
Business Contact Manager - JONXP (My Comp Name) :MSSmallBusiness
Personal Folders - Personal Folders(1).pst in M:Outlook Data Files

I have a dual boot, 32 bit & 64 bit, so I have my outlook folder on a shared
partition created to be able to reach easily from either boot. It actually
works out very well.

Is that what you were asking about? I dont have an advanced tab under data
files. Right Click does nothing, but double click brings up the properties of
the file. But is the same info as above.

Am I being a bonehead? :)

Patrick Schmid

It's actually not a tab, it's a button, but I think you are looking in
the wrong place.
In the folders list in the Outlook main window (navigation pane), you
should see the words Personal Folders at the root of all your mail
folders. When you right-click on it, properties and then press the
Advanced Button you should see what I am wondering about.
You can see the same things if you go into Tools, Account Settings, Data
Files Tab, double-click on your Personal Folders file. There it shows
you the Format line I am looking for.

Patrick Schmid


Oooohhhh. Aha.

Personal Folders File


Patrick Schmid said:
It's actually not a tab, it's a button, but I think you are looking in
the wrong place.
In the folders list in the Outlook main window (navigation pane), you
should see the words Personal Folders at the root of all your mail
folders. When you right-click on it, properties and then press the
Advanced Button you should see what I am wondering about.
You can see the same things if you go into Tools, Account Settings, Data
Files Tab, double-click on your Personal Folders file. There it shows
you the Format line I am looking for.

Patrick Schmid

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