Outlook (office xp) wont bring up calendar/ other inner program



My office XP works perfect, except for Outlook. Nothing in outlook works.
While all the other programs work just fine. Anyone got an answer for that

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

An answer for what? You've posted no information.
Since none of us can read minds, at a minimum you must post what doesn't
work, what steps you've taken to make it work, how you configured Outlook,
whether it ever worked, and if so the steps you used to break it.


Office XP was just installed on my computer. Excel, Access, Powerpoint, etc
all work. Outlook does not. I havent configured it, I havent done anything to
outlook. It opens and shows basically the same thing as windows explorer. But
the calendar, notes, scheduler, task manager, etc do not open/work. I dont
know what else to add to help you understand that. When I do start up
Outlook, the first thing that happens is this little error box "Unable to
open your default e-mail folders. Could not open the item. Try Again." Then
once I click "ok", it says, "Would you like to open your default system
folder instead?" Then once I click yes it then says, "Unable to start
processing services. Could not open the item. Try again." I click ok after
that and it just shows my windows explorer. Nothing in Outlook works.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

You installed Office XP clean or on top of another version?
Outlook cannot run until you configure it with an active mail account and an
information store (data file). Normally Outlook will do this for you on
first launch, unless you installed incorrectly.
The KB tells you how to configure an Outlook profile correctly:


I am having the same exact problem. What is the solution to this problem.
I've found nothing online that will resolve this issue. Your assistance will
be GREATLY appreciated.



Roady [MVP]

Configure your account through Control Panel-> Mail. With Outlook versions
2002/XP and previous when no account is configured it will act like a file

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

I am having the same exact problem. What is the solution to this problem.
I've found nothing online that will resolve this issue. Your assistance will
be GREATLY appreciated.



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