Outlook Other Calendar Favourites



This problem is now being reported by several people in our organisation and
I'd really appreciate it if anyone can shed light on this.

Basically, in the Other Calendars section users have added some of the
public folder calendars. Very recently the calendar names automatically
changed (presumably due to a Microsoft update) so each are appended with the
words "in public folders". So for example, the calendar called "Meeting Room
1" now says "Meeting Room 1 in Public Folders". They cannot be renamed to
exclude the "in public folders" text. This is very frustrating for several
receptionists who may have several calendars open at any one time. In the
split calendar view, each calendar name is centre aligned, and if there are
several calendars opened, the text appears truncated so the user cannot view
the full name of the calendar.

Do you know of anything that can put it back to the way it was originally,
to stop "in public folders" to be appended to the end of each calendar name?
This has been posted in the Outlook General Questions group for a couple of
weeks but there's been no response as yet. I'd appreciate any feedback on
this one.

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