Outlook pop-ups


Sherwin G


I have the following problem
After Ris'ing a w2k system with office installed onto a w2k3 ris server
When I install a new machine with that ris image created with Riprep and logon, dobble click the outlook icon on desktop (for everyone who logs on that machine) it comes with a pop-up stating that outlook.exe can not be found

Any suggestions what is going wrong?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

No one will be able to help you unless you detail the setup steps you took
when setting up the RIS installation and how you set Office/Outlook to be
configured and using what tools, Office Resource Kit? Also, what version.

Post the steps you took and someone may be able to help you.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching google.groups.com and finding no answer, Sherwin G asked:

| Hi,
| I have the following problem.
| After Ris'ing a w2k system with office installed onto a w2k3 ris
| server.
| When I install a new machine with that ris image created with Riprep
| and logon, dobble click the outlook icon on desktop (for everyone who
| logs on that machine) it comes with a pop-up stating that outlook.exe
| can not be found.
| Any suggestions what is going wrong?

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