Outlook problem with Ink

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Outlook Ink Problem 2007

In Outlook 2007, I am having a problem with ink. Sometimes, the ink writing
mysteriously moves in unpredictable ways away from where I wrote it. It does
not stay together but breaks into 2 or more plans. Is . this a known

Patrick Schmid

I don't know. What device are you using to ink? Can you give some steps
that would allow me to reproduce the problem?

Patrick Schmid

Outlook Ink Problem 2007

I am using a motion computing 1600. I have had no similar issue helve with
any other software. twill pay close attention to the chronology the next time
it happens. I will post at. that time. Jeff


Hi Patrick,
I've had the same issue with inking under OL 2007 runninig on Windows XP for
Tablet. I also have a Motion Computing LE1600, which has performed
flawlessly ever since I've had it.

When I select New or Reply and then select HTML format (if not already
selected), and then Ink, a small window opens on the message area so that I
can write into it. If I write briefly, no problem. However, if I write
enough to where the ink window gets full, I get the jumping around and
fragmentation that has been referred to. I think I also got this result on
that machine when I attempted to drag the bottom edge of the ink input window
to create more room.

Hope that helps.

Outlook Ink Problem 2007

Yes... OneDave is correct. The workaround I have learned to deal with is to
open the window plenty big to start with. Also, NEVER try to erase bad ink
input (to correct what one wants to say).. That will also cause the existing
ink input to go helter skelter. Instead, I simply line out the ink that I
dont want or I start all over again. Obviously, there is a bug here. On my
motion computer, I have this sort of problem on no other program with before
or after.

Jeff C.

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