Outlook.pst is not a valid .pst file


Fahd Ajmal

i had been using outlook 2003 for some time now and my .PST file was of
around 2.6 GB. i had copied the PST file on a dvd for backup..
now when i try to open the file on a new machine through Data File
Management, the Outlook gives error F:\Outlook.pst is not a Personal Folder
(f: is a partition in my Hard disk drive)


have you copied th epst file onto the hard disk or are you trying to read it
from the dvd? As far as I know it should be on th ehard disk so that outlook
can interact with it.


Fahd Ajmal said:
Yes. i have copied it on the harddisk... what do u think might be wrong..?

Check that the Read-Only attribute is off. If it is, then the pst file may
be corrupt. How EXACTLY did you make the copy onto the DVD?

Fahd Ajmal

the readonly is OFF, archive is ON..!!
i closed the Outlook. and burned the Outlook.pst from its source onto the
DVD using Nero DVD burner.


Did you burn it as a data file or as a nero backup? Is outlook and the pst on
the same partition?

Fahd Ajmal

i burned it as Data disk... no, the outlook and pst are on different
partitions. but i have been keeping them on different partitions before.. and
they worked fine...


maybe just try and put the pst file onto the same partition - you never know

Fahd Ajmal

yes the outlook was closed. i have also tried by placing the file on the same
partition... does it make a difference if archive property is ON..??


The only thing I can think is that its to do with permissions or nero has
cahnged the attributes somehow (doubt it because I use nero and never had a
problem). are you using xp pro or home? But before we get into that are you
trying to import the pst file? Maybe try and view it as an archive file -
click File, Open, Outlook Data File, then click View, Folder List to see the
entire folder hierarchy from the .pst archive.

Fahd Ajmal

i am using Microsoft XP Pro. i tried the method you told but i still get the
same error...


Try looking at permissions for the pst file - right click and select
properties, presuming you are using an administrative account, and see what
the setup is for your account. Ideally you want full permissions to access
the pst file.

Fahd Ajmal

i'm the administrator of the system and there is no restriction on any file


Well sorry but I'm out of suggestions (when you are navigating to the folder
where the pst file is are you sure you are not just going to the default
outlook folder in my documents?) - only thing left is to put the error
message in Google.

David Webb

Just a thought...you've stated that the PST came from Outlook 2003 but you
didn't state whether the "new computer" also had this version. If not, then the
problem is that your file is not compatible with any previous versions.

| i'm the administrator of the system and there is no restriction on any file
| access...
| "tom_the-confused" wrote:
| > Try looking at permissions for the pst file - right click and select
| > properties, presuming you are using an administrative account, and see what
| > the setup is for your account. Ideally you want full permissions to access
| > the pst file.
| >
| > "Fahd Ajmal" wrote:
| >
| > > i am using Microsoft XP Pro. i tried the method you told but i still get
| > > same error...
| > >
| > > "tom_the-confused" wrote:
| > >
| > > > The only thing I can think is that its to do with permissions or nero
| > > > cahnged the attributes somehow (doubt it because I use nero and never
had a
| > > > problem). are you using xp pro or home? But before we get into that are
| > > > trying to import the pst file? Maybe try and view it as an archive
file -
| > > > click File, Open, Outlook Data File, then click View, Folder List to see
| > > > entire folder hierarchy from the .pst archive.
| > > >
| > > >
| > > > "Fahd Ajmal" wrote:
| > > >
| > > > > yes the outlook was closed. i have also tried by placing the file on
the same
| > > > > partition... does it make a difference if archive property is ON..??
| > > > >
| > > > > "Gordon" wrote:
| > > > >
| > > > > > | > > > > > >i burned it as Data disk...
| > > > > >
| > > > > > was outlook closed when you did the burning?
| > > > > >
| > > > > >
| > > > > >

Brian Tillman

Fahd Ajmal said:
i had been using outlook 2003 for some time now and my .PST file was
of around 2.6 GB. i had copied the PST file on a dvd for backup..
now when i try to open the file on a new machine through Data File
Management, the Outlook gives error F:\Outlook.pst is not a Personal
Folder File
(f: is a partition in my Hard disk drive)

While the posts you've made in this thread seem to indicate you haven't done
anythnig untoward, there is anecdotal evidence that some CD/DVD burning
software does not handle PSTs well. Once you see the "not a pst" message,
generally the PST is unrecoverable. Do you have the original PST available
or only the copy?

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