Hi, recently my Outlook PST got corrupted for some reason. I'm sure th
fact it was almost exactly 2.0gb had a lot to do with this (although
thought this limit was long since fixed?).
Wonderfully, I discovered my new SyncToy backup process hadn't been
backing it up! Great.
Outlooks own recovery tool would not work, it would just fail withou
explaination, so I tried a number of 3rd party recovery tools. The onl
one I had much success with (without forking out hundreds of dollars
as a simple home user I couldn't legitimise this expense) was a
application called R-Mail. However this had a side effect of taggin
all of my old emails as Unsent Mail - i.e. all the email in my inbo
sent to me by other people was labelled in the way you would expec
email sitting in your outbox!
So my questions are twofold:
1. Is there any way to easily batch change these emails t
'received/read' rather than 'unsent'?
2. I still have a copy of the corrupted PST file - is there perhaps
better (preferably cheap or free) application I can try to recover m
PST file?
3. Oh and any ideas why SyncToy, despite me telling it to backup th
entire contents of My Documents, wasn't copying my Outlook PS
contained therein?
I'm on Windows 7 Home and am running Outlook 2007 SP2.
fact it was almost exactly 2.0gb had a lot to do with this (although
thought this limit was long since fixed?).
Wonderfully, I discovered my new SyncToy backup process hadn't been
backing it up! Great.
Outlooks own recovery tool would not work, it would just fail withou
explaination, so I tried a number of 3rd party recovery tools. The onl
one I had much success with (without forking out hundreds of dollars
as a simple home user I couldn't legitimise this expense) was a
application called R-Mail. However this had a side effect of taggin
all of my old emails as Unsent Mail - i.e. all the email in my inbo
sent to me by other people was labelled in the way you would expec
email sitting in your outbox!
So my questions are twofold:
1. Is there any way to easily batch change these emails t
'received/read' rather than 'unsent'?
2. I still have a copy of the corrupted PST file - is there perhaps
better (preferably cheap or free) application I can try to recover m
PST file?
3. Oh and any ideas why SyncToy, despite me telling it to backup th
entire contents of My Documents, wasn't copying my Outlook PS
contained therein?
I'm on Windows 7 Home and am running Outlook 2007 SP2.