I have a situation where I am using a SFA/CRM solution named ACT 2005. I can
use either ACT word Processor or Word (2007 version not listed but it works
with the beta) to write my messages for the recipents in aCT. The messages
then go into the Outlook 2007 Beta outbox and will not send. Thay appear to
be already opened inbound messages that accidentally landed in the outbox.
Obviously, Outlook is interpreting them as incoming mail from ACT but placing
them in the Outbox, per the instructions. Please help.
The only way I can send is to open and forward them to the intended
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
If this is not the correct newgroup for this posting then please let me know
where to post as I have had this challenge for the past 4 days!
use either ACT word Processor or Word (2007 version not listed but it works
with the beta) to write my messages for the recipents in aCT. The messages
then go into the Outlook 2007 Beta outbox and will not send. Thay appear to
be already opened inbound messages that accidentally landed in the outbox.
Obviously, Outlook is interpreting them as incoming mail from ACT but placing
them in the Outbox, per the instructions. Please help.
The only way I can send is to open and forward them to the intended
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
If this is not the correct newgroup for this posting then please let me know
where to post as I have had this challenge for the past 4 days!