tonysoprano said:
I thought it would be a good idea to backup my Yahoo Mail, so I used Outlook
2007 to get my messages...I must have missed a setting because it MOVED, not
copied all of my messages to Outlook, and I want to continue using the Yahoo
web interface. Is there a way to undo this?
Thanks in advance...
Unless configured otherwise, the default behavior of POP is to issue a
RETR (retrieve) of a message followed by a DELE (delete) of that
message. So a move is the default behavior. You will have to configure
the e-mail account that you defined in Outlook under advanced properties
to "leave messages on server".
However, that also means the messages do not get deleted from your
mailbox. If you don't delete messages, they remain to consume the disk
quota for your account. Eventually you won't be able to receive any
more incoming e-mails because you have used up all your disk allowance.
So configure Outlook to also delete messages N days after they have been
retrieved. Then you'll have that many days before Outlook will delete
them from your mailbox. How many days is up to you. Could be a week or
a month. If you leave them indefinitely up in your mailbox, you'll have
to perform manual maintenance to clean out your e-mail account to
prevent it going dead because it has no more disk space.
NEVER use your Inbox as a holding folder for all your old e-mails. It
is the heaviest used folder and corruption can result from having
thousands of items stored there. Instead create a Hold or Save folder
where you save your old e-mails. Leave the Inbox empty to retrieve just
*new* e-mails but move them to elsewhere if you want to keep them around
for a long time.
There is nothing of Outlook that prevents you from continuing using the
Yahoo webmail interface.