The issue with forwarding to the Internet is not so much one of
confidentiality, but of starting a mail loop that can bring down the
Exchange server.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, Rick asked:
| Thank you Milly. I will check with our administrator and see what he
| can do. If not, I found several add on programs that might do the
| trick. I understand the confidentiality issue that others have
| mentioned, but in our particular case that would not be an issue.
| Rick
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| By default, Exchange denies replies and forwards to the Internet for
|| both the OOF and rules. Check with your Exchange admin to see if
|| this is absolutely necessary or if it can be changed.
|| --Â
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| How to ask a question:
|| After furious head scratching, Rick asked:
||| I have the same problem. I have a rule to auto forward email from a
||| particular person to several email addresses. Only the people who
||| internal addresses are receiving them. Those with addresses outside
||| our company server do not get them even thought they have a valid
||| address, but those on the server do.
||| How do Raul and I set up a rule that will forward emails outside the
||| server to other addresses (i.e. (e-mail address removed))?
||| "Raul" wrote:
|||| Sorry but I dont understand. My rule is as follows:
|||| 1) apply this rule after email arrives from email addresses. All
|||| these emails from outside NOT from the domain or my exchange.
|||| 2) Forward it to: my blackberry email addr which is also out of the
|||| domain. Basically a POP email assigned to me when I got the
|||| blackberry with data services.
|||| |||| The rule will forward mail from the DL, not people IN the DL. If
|||| you receive mail from DivisionMail DL and Mary, John and Bob are
|||| all in this DivisionMail DL, you will not receive mail from the
|||| individuals Mary, John or Bob.
|||| It is much better to use categories for contacts to be able to
|||| quickly and on the fly configure rules and other items to use the
|||| category rather than a DL. Create a category called "blackberry
|||| forwarding" and add that to the contacts you want forwarded to your
|||| blackberry. Then modify your rule to use the category.
|||| --
|||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|||| How to ask a question:
|||| After furious head scratching, Raul asked:
||||| this is the rule I have that doesnt work:
||||| From People or Distribution List
||||| Apply this rule after the message arrives
||||| from: email addresses
||||| forward it to: email address {my blackberry addr}
||||| I have gotten numerous email from people in the distribution list
||||| BUT none were forwared to my blackberry email. I tested my
||||| blackberry email by sending myself an email and it works fine.
||||| Thus, the problem resides with the rule.
||||| thanks, for any help you can provide
||||| Raul Rego
||||| NJPIES
||||| |||||| Raul wrote:
||||||| i have set up a rule in Outlook 2007 to forward email to my
||||||| blackberry when
||||||| it comes from an individual.
||||||| Does Outlook have to be opened in order for this to happen? i
||||||| have Exchange
||||||| 2003 and Outlook 2007 and will like this rule to execute when
||||||| email arrives
||||||| in exchange even if outlook is not open.
|||||| Don't any clauses to a rule that would force it to be a
|||||| client-side rule. For example, if you mark a message as read,
|||||| it is a client-side rule. Only the client knows if it has
|||||| previously opened an item for viewing or not. When you look at
|||||| the list of rules, you should be able to determine which are
|||||| server- and client-side rules.